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State Band Auditions at Salina. Friday, 1/7 - wear casual clothes for travel. Have $$ for 4 meals (3 fast-food & 1 nice meal).
Depart CUHS at 10:00 AM
Lunch & shopping in Wichita
5:00, Check in Hotel
6:00, Dinner
Saturday, 1/8 —Wear casual, but NICE clothes for your audition. You will need a mask to wear while you are in the building. Masks or bell covers are NOT required for your audition. You can change for the ride home.
8:00 am, depart hotel for school
9:00, cuts posted & find audition time and room
10:00, Auditions open
3:00, Departure
5:00, dinner in Augusta
8:30, arrive CUHS