I wish to call your attention to one of the most valued and rewarding activities promoted by our school—our instrumental music program. The 2024-25 beginning band class is being organized now.  Columbus Unified School District has a proud tradition of excellent band programs.  I hope you will consider the opportunities of participation for your child!

You and your student may have many questions regarding this important decision, including “Why be in band?”  There are many reasons you should consider instrumental music as a valuable part of your student’s education, including:


Research shows that music education increases brain development and academic performance.  In fact, the study of music can

    • Improve reading and math performance

    • Increase SAT and ACT scores

    • Develop quick and decisive thinking


Band is a unique program that brings together students of all interests.  The friendships your student can make in band include kids who also participate in sports, FCCLA, FFA, cheerleading, dance, business--you name it!  And because band students work as a team, their friendships are based on the important values of trust, cooperations, and unity!


Beyond the confidence that a music education instills, band also educates students about valuable life lessons such as:

    • Character development

    • Team building

    • Competing gracefully

    • Travel etiquette

    • Appreciation for art & other cultures

    • Expectations of excellence

Rent or purchase a quality instrument

Please be careful when renting and/or purchasing instruments. Obtain an instrument from a reputable music store. Saied Music has been servicing our department for 30 plus years. A representative is on our campus every Thursday to pick up repairs and/or deliver supplies. Ordering instruments from discount online can be very scary—many times the music company repair shops will not service these types of instruments. If you are in question about an instrument, contact your directors for advice—this is our job. We would love to help, don’t feel like you are bothering us. We are in the business of helping your child succeed & getting a great instrument is the first step!

Check out SAIED MUSIC for the possibilities of renting and/or purchasing an instrument.

Call Saied Music at 1-800-777-5541. Ask for Mick Meadors, he is the representative for our school.

Click this link for pricing on renting instruments

Zeal: great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.

The excitement that one experiences when getting a new instrument is like none other. Music never gets old. Every new song or concept learned is exciting. Keep your zeal. Don’t let it fade.

Remember mastery consists of a lot of little steps. Stay focused and don’t give up. The reward comes in realizing you have done your best! Keep pursuing and keep the energy level high!